Residents' Committee Chairs, Chelsea Eisenach, M.D. and Sarah Moslehi, M.D.
Committee Charge
The NYCPS Residents’ Committee is committed to helping residents engage in NYCPS. We firmly believe it is in our best interest to foster resident interests and support them throughout residency because they are the future of psychiatry. Our committee strives to represent residents in the following ways:
1) Serve as a liaison between residents of NYCPS and leadership of NYCPS. 2) Encourage resident membership and participation in NYCPS. 3) Organize events that promote camaraderie amongst the various residency programs in NYCPS and help residents in career planning. 4) Promote resident involvement in the various committees of NYCPS. 5) Educate residents about the various resources that are available to them as members of NYCPS. 6) Advocate for awareness of residents issues such as burnout and culture change. 7) Advocate for fair treatment of residents.
*If you would like more information about this committee, please contact us at [email protected].
Previous Events
2019 NYCPS Holiday Party December 4, 2019
The Residents' Committee hosted the 2019 NYCPS Holiday Party at Session 73 on the Upper East Side. Members from all stages of their careers attend to celebrate the holidays and socialize and network with colleagues.

Residents' Summer Social July 11, 2019
The NYCPS Residents' Committee held a social event to celebrate a new academic year, congratulate residents and fellows moving on to the next stage of their careers, and welcomed new members to the area- all while enjoying a summer evening of socializing and networking with colleagues.

Fellowship & Career Night May 6, 2019
The event allowed residents to meet and speak directly with directors and representatives from a variety of fellowship programs throughout the NYC area. Fellowship program specialties in attendance included those from Addiction, Child and Adolescent, Consultation Liaison, Forensic, Geriatric, Integrated & Administrative, and Public Psychiatry. In addition, residents and early career psychiatrists met directly with employers, including other psychiatrists, looking to hire.

2018 NYCPS Holiday Party November 29, 2018
One of our largest events for the year! All members were invited to join the Residents' Committee in celebrating the holidays.

Summer Social July 11, 2018
The Residents' Committee hosted a social to celebrate the new academic year. The event congratulated residents and fellows moving on to the next stage of their careers and welcomed new members to the area.
Fellowship and Career Night May 22, 2018

Fellowship Program Directors and representatives from across specialties such as Addiction, Child and Adolescent, Consultation Liaison, Forensic, Geriatric, Psychoanalytic Training and Public Psychiatry met residents to speak about their programs. In addition, residents and early career psychiatrists met directly with employers including other psychiatrists looking to hire.
Bowling Night November 7, 2017
Attendees enjoyed a friendly game and cheered for friends, old and new.

Other Past Events
Holiday Party December 14, 2017
Fellowship Night February 22, 2017
Holiday Party December 1, 2016
Bowling Night October 25, 2016
Fellowship Night February 25, 2016