Annual Resident Research Awards & Poster Competition
The Resident Research Awards recognize and celebrate the research accomplishments of NYC psychiatry residents and fellows. In addition to our Annual Resident Research Awards, NYCPS offers an opportunity to showcase your research through our live Poster Competition at our Annual Presidential Reception in the spring. Read below for submission requirements. Click here to see a list of previous winners. Submissions are now open for the 2025 Awards!
Research Awards Submission Requirements
Submissions for the 2025 Awards are now open.
All Resident-Fellow Members of the APA in the New York City area are eligible to submit, including those from other District Branches (Brooklyn, Queens, Bronx, etc.)
Previously published data is acceptable, if the paper was published within the last 6 months. The RFM must be the primary author on the submitted manuscript, subject to verification by the Training Director.
Papers should be limited to original clinical or basic research. Please note: Literature reviews and case reports are NOT acceptable submissions. If work was done during the year before graduation in 2024, the submission is still eligible.
Papers should not exceed 15 double-spaced pages, excluding tables, figures, and references, and should be organized as follows: Abstract not to exceed 250 words; Introduction; Methods Section; Results Section; Discussion, highlighting principal findings, reviewing pertinent literature, discussing limitations, and commenting on the significance of the work.
First, Second, and Third Place winners will receive cash awards (1st Place-$1000; 2nd Place- $500; 3rd Place- $250) and plaques. Additional Honorable Mention plaques may be awarded. Winners will be notified by April 28, 2025, and awarded in person at the NYCPS Annual Presidential Reception on May 5, 2025 at the ILA Penthouse.
Submissions should be emailed to [email protected] with Resident Research Awards in the subject line. The deadline for submissions is April 14, 2025 at 5pm.
NYCPS Poster Competition
All Resident-Fellow Members of the APA in the New York City area are eligible to submit, including those from other District Branches (Brooklyn, Queens, Bronx, etc.). Posters must be authored and submitted by the Resident Fellow Member.
Submission Protocol
To start the submission process, send an email to [email protected] no later than April 14, 2025 with the following information:
- Name of presenting author (see below for guidelines)
- Level of training of the presenting author: Residency Year
- Institution/Program
- A list of all co-authors
- An abstract relating to the poster content (maximum of 250 words), which shall be a concise description of results, findings, and conclusions
After review, the submitting author will be notified if accepted for the poster competition and given information regarding the specifics of the event. A poster title will be required after acceptance. All presenting authors must be available for the Annual Presidential Reception on May 5, 2025. Accepted posters will be eligible to receive up to $25 in reimbursement for printing fees.
Posters typically present new research or case findings. Occasionally, a focused literature review may be suitable.
Presenting Author(s)
- Only Psychiatric Residents may present posters. Presenters must be current, active APA Members.
- There may only be one Presenting Author for each poster. They must be an investigator on the research study and included among the authors listed on the abstract submission.
- Prizes will only be awarded to the Presenting Author.
A Grand Prize winner will be selected by attendees at the Presidential Reception and will receive an honorarium of $500. Additional honorable mention awards of $250 may be given at the discretion of our Research Awards Judging Chair.
Guidelines for Posters
- Posters should be as self-explanatory as possible.
- Place the title, author(s), and institution at the top of the poster
- Use simple charts, graphs, drawings, and pictures where possible
- At the top left of the poster, start with an Abstract
- Place each section sequentially on the poster. Use headings, numbers, letters, or arrows to help the viewer to follow the material in the correct order.
- Captions and labels should be brief and clear.
Guidelines for Original Research Posters
- Posters must report only the findings of the research or clinical data, no advertising or product identification by brand name is allowed.
- You can submit a poster previously submitted for another competition within the past 2 years.
- If any of the work in this poster was prepared with commercial support, a statement “Supported by funding from (name of company)” must be clearly displayed in block letters in the lower left corner of the poster.
- Research with human or animal subjects must have been approved by the appropriate review boards of your institution or governing body.
- Information regarding unapproved uses of approved products or investigational uses of unapproved products must be clearly presented with the following statement included on the poster: “The following information concerns a use that has not been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.”
Guidelines for Case Report Posters
- The material should be selected for educational value: What can we learn from this case report?
- The material must disguise all identifying patient information.
Previous Winners
2024 Resident Research Award Winners
 First Place Andrew Murphy, M.D., PhD "A Structurally Informed Model for Modulating Functional Connectivity"
 Second Place Brian Sweis, M.D., PhD "A Double Hit of Social and Economic Stress in Mice Precipitates Changes in Decision-Making Strategies"
 Third Place Alexandra Gordon, M.D., M.S. "The Effect of Psychedelics on Individuals with a Personality Disorder: Results from Two Prospective Cohort Studies"
2024 Poster Competition Winners
 Winner Ha Rim Kwak, M.D. "The Association Between Crowding, Natural Light, and Rates of Physical Restraints in a New York City Community Hospital Psychiatric Emergency Room"
 Judge's Choice Mariella Suleiman, M.D. "Prescribing (or not) Valproate to Individuals of Child-Bearing Potential - A Quality Improvement Project"
2023 Resident Research Award Winners
 First Place Thomas Hainmueller, M.D., Ph.D. "Subfield-specific interneuron circuits govern the hippocampal response to novelty"
 Second Place Petros Petridis, M.D. "Psilocybin-Assisted Psychotherapy Provides Transdiagnostic Improvements in Psychiatric Symptoms in Patients with Cancer"
 Third Place Blake Erickson, M.A., M.D. "Client Perspectives on the Los Angeles County Full Service Partnership (FSP) Program for Serious Mental Illness"
2022 Resident Research Award Winners
 First Place Victor Pereira-Sanchez, M.D. "Resting-State fMRI to Identify the Brain Correlates of Treatment Response to Medications in Children and Adolescents With Attention Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder: Lessons From the CUNMET Study"
 Second Place Eric Whitney, M.D. "Diagnoses and Treatment in Juvenile Detention Before and After Evaluation by Trauma-Informed Mental Health Service"
 Third Place Petros Petridis, M.D. "BOLD asynchrony elucidates tumor burden in IDH-mutated gliomas"
2021 Resident Research Award Winners
 First Place Palak Patel, M.D. "Prevalence, risk factors, and impact of anxiety in the early stages of autopsy-confirmed Alzheimer disease: a retrospective study"
 Second Place Julia Vileisis, M.D. "Trier social stress test does not induce a cytokine reaction in adolescences"
 Third Place Katharine Brewster, M.D. "Age-related hearing loss, late-life depression, and risk for dementia"
2020 Resident Research Award Winners
 First Place Joseph Stujenske, M.D., Ph.D. “Prelimbic cortex drives discrimination of non-aversion via amygdala somatostatin interneurons”
 Second Place Youngjung Kim, M.D., Ph.D. "The association between leptin and weight maintenance outcome in anorexia nervosa"
 Third Place Brian Sweis, M.D., Ph.D. "Ketamine reverses hypersensitivity to sunk costs in a mouse model of depression"
2019 Resident Research Award Winners
 First Place Andrew H. Smith, M.D., Ph.D. "Risk Locus Identification Ties Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms to SORCS2"
 Second Place Amit Jagtiani, M.D. "Comparison of Efficacy of Ketamine versus Thiopentone Assisted Modified Electroconvulsive Therapy (MECT) In Major Depression"
Third Place Jonathan Power, M.D. "Improving “neural” connectivity estimates in developmental fMRI studies"
2018 Resident Research Award Winners
First Place (tie) Olubunmi Asana, M.D.
First Place (tie) Sophia Kogan, M.D., Ph.D.
Third Place Stephanie Rolin, M.D., M.P.H.