Dr. Ivan Goldberg Outstanding Service Award

Currently accepting nominations for the 2025 Award. The deadline for submissions is April 14, 2025. The Award will be presented at the NYCPS Annual Presidential Reception on May 5, 2025.

About the Dr. Ivan Goldberg Award

The New York County Psychiatric Society invites its members to nominate potential candidates for the Dr. Ivan Goldberg Outstanding Service Award. This award, given by the New York County Psychiatric Society, commemorates the unique and novel contributions made by the late Dr. Goldberg to the field of psychiatry. Dr. Goldberg was the consummate New York City psychiatrist; an expert psychopharmacologist, and a psychotherapist in private practice, who held various academic appointments and was the medical director of the New York City Mood Disorders Support Group. He was a pioneer in disseminating psychiatric knowledge to mental health professionals and to the lay public. He established an encyclopedic website, Depression Central, as well as several renowned psychiatry listservs, which continue to educate mental health professionals worldwide today.

Nominees should demonstrate the pioneering spirit of Dr. Goldberg’s work; to make psychiatric knowledge accessible to all. We welcome candidates from all backgrounds, who work in any type of setting, clinical or non-clinical, and whether or not they are affiliated with any academic institution. The ideal candidate will be someone who has found innovative ways to treat and educate others about psychiatry. We define this as broadly as possible to include those with expertise in neuroscience, to those with expertise in psychotherapy. A nominee may be someone who is using the latest technological advances in teaching psychiatry to future physicians, or someone who began a grassroots movement that is changing how society perceives mental illness, or someone working to change the public perception of psychiatry. 

Our ideal candidate is one whom, in the words of Dr. Goldberg’s favorite author, William Osler, exemplifies the practice of medicine:

The Science of Uncertainty
The Art of Probability
To Relieve Often
To Comfort Always


Eligibility Requirements

Nominees must be a current General Member, Fellow, Distinguished Fellow, or Life Fellow of the APA from one of the New York City District Branches, including the New York County Psychiatric Society, the Bronx District Branch, the Brooklyn Psychiatric Society, or the Queens Psychiatric Society. Candidates for the award may be self-nominated or nominated by a member of the New York County Psychiatric Society.

Submission Instructions

Please send us the full name, contact information, and current resume or curriculum vitae of the nominee. Also, please include your name, contact information, and a brief statement, of one page or less, explaining why you think the person you are nominating would be suitable for this award. All submission materials and questions should be emailed to [email protected] with Ivan Goldberg Award in the subject line. Submissions are accepted on a rolling basis throughout the year and the winner will be presented the award at the NYCPS Annual Presidential Reception in the spring. To download this information, including the instructions, please click here.

Previous Winners

Jack Drescher, M.D., 2024 Recipient

Marc Manseau, M.D., 2023 Recipient

Sue Varma, M.D., 2022 Recipient

David Hellerstein, M.D., 2019 Recipient

Karinn Glover, M.D., 2018 Recipient 

Harvey White, M.D., 2017 Recipient

Grant Brenner, M.D., 2016 Recipient