Distinguished Fellowship Committee

The NYCPS Distinguished Fellowship Committee is responsible for reviewing and recommending NYCPS member applications to the APA. Distinguished Fellowship is awarded to outstanding psychiatrists who have made significant contributions to the psychiatric profession in at least five of the following areas: administration, teaching, scientific and scholarly publications, volunteering in mental health and medical activities of social significance, community involvement, as well as for clinical excellence. Distinguished Fellow is the highest membership honor the APA bestows upon members.

If you are interested in applying for Distinguished Fellowship, please contact us at [email protected] to discuss your eligibility.

2024 Committee Members

Jacob Appel
Anna Costakis
Katherine Falk
Terry Golash
Amy Hoffman
Eric Hollander
Karen Hopenwasser
Kevin V. Kelly
Marc Manseau
Hunter McQuisition
Katharine Phillips
Victor Schwartz
Jose Vito


Newest Distinguished Fellows & Distinguished Life Fellows elected January 1, 2024

Neil Aggarwal
Amy Aloysi
Flavio Casoy
Nery Diaz
Anna Dickerman
Eman El Gamal
Tresha Gibbs
Farah Herbert
Dan Iosifescu
Jon Levenson
Beata Lewis
Victoria Pham 
David Roane
Carol Weiss